Dear Gus Bilirakis:
Do You Remember Adele Fletcher?


To help refresh your memory, as a Tampa area attorney you assisted your

client with improperly guardianizing Adele Fletcher, which resulted in your

client's conviction for felony scheming to defraud.


You did not come to your client's aid during her criminal trial. 


Below are your documents that facilitated this fraud, which may assist in

refreshing your recall of events:



The document at right provides a summary of the closing days in Adele Fletcher's' life.  Please review the information for accuracy and let us know if you have any questions.


The two documents below reveal what turned out to be implausible reasons for your claimed need to take away a senior citizen's freedom to live.

The next two documents below reflect your "investigation" attested to under penalty of perjury that Adele Fletcher had no money or assets.  You may recall that your meeting with Adele, in her home, to discuss what to do with her inheritance, that added an additional tax liability, to her existing income, and existing accounts with her stock broker, was arranged for you and Fran Lang by Adele's stock broker.  A reasonable assumption that you did not raise during your investigation is that the mere existence of a stock broker in Adele's life points to the presence of assets.

The document below shows that eventually you found Adele Fletcher indeed had money and assets, but by that time the assets previously hidden from the court's knowledge were securely under your control by way of your client Fran Lang.



For additional reading about your client's conviction you can review a news article at this web site:



You can also watch a short video at:








An Open Letter To:


The Honorable Gus Bilirakis

United States House of Representatives


Dear Gus: 


Please contact us if you would like any additional information to assist with your recall of this case.  We feel that you played a significant and indispensable role in Adele Fletcher's demise and the felony conviction of Fran Lang that followed.  Our hope, in your current role as a United States Congressional Representative, is that you will clearly and forever remember Adele Fletcher while you profess concern about improving the quality of life for the other senior citizens you now represent.


If you need further assistance please email us at:


AdeleRemembered @ 

(for copy/paste remove the spaces on either side of the @ symbol)


The Friends of Adele Fletcher